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Stormwater Treatment Systems

Advanced Botanical Systems for Stormwater

What are Advanced Botanical Systems?

An Advanced Botanical System is an ecologically sequenced system that utilizes plants, bacteria and microorganisms for efficient, reliable and aesthetically pleasing stormwater treatment.


The Advanced Wetland Stormwater Filter (AWSF) has been designed to meet the requirements of the gravel wetland filter (W-4) described in the ‘Vermont Stormwater Management Manual’. The AWSF is equipped with a unique flushing system that allows accumulated sediment to be safely removed from the wetland on a periodic basis. This features extends the life and effectiveness of this low impact treatment system. The performance of gravel wetland filters have been extensively documented by the UNH Stormwater center. They perform exceptionally well in all conditions and exceeded expected treatment performance for solids, nutrients and flow reduction.


Bioretention systems and raingardens are designed to collect surface runoff, temporarily pond and filter stormwater through plant roots and soil where it either infiltrates back into the ground or is collected by an underdrain pipe and discharged. These systems are very flexible within any landscape and provide a great opportunity for integrated site design. 


Tree box filters are small stormwater treatment systems that filter stormwater using a tree in a mounded area centered within the structure. The tree is planted on top of gravel and the rest of the system has underground storage vaults. The top six inches of the tree box filter will be filled with a mixture of sand and compost. The sand provides the drainage, and the compost provides a rich growing media for plants that will maintain a high enough moisture content to get plants started. Facultative wetland ground cover plants will be installed around the tree to complete the filter and provide a diverse and attractive planting feature.

To learn more about how EcoSolutions can help you, give us a call at 802.878.7464 or contact us at EcoSolutions.